瑜珈 流瑜珈.jpg
圖片翻攝自YouTube頻道 - Fightmaster Yoga

流瑜伽是時下很流行的一種瑜伽,是梵文Vinyasa Yoga的意譯,有時也稱為Vinyasa Flow。Vinyasa的意思是呼吸和動作同步,指的是在每次吸氣或呼氣的同時,從一個動作轉換到另一個動作。流瑜珈著重力量性、柔韌性、耐力、專注力的全面鍛鍊,任何瑜伽體式都可以被編排在流瑜伽的序列之中,也因此增加了練習的多變性和趣味性,尤其適合好動且追求新鮮感的人。



【流瑜珈  10個伸展練習】


Yoga for Beginners Vinyasa Flow Free Yoga Class With Fightmaster Yoga




33 Minute Yoga Vinyasa Flow Total Body Workout! Day 83 Yoga Fix 90 with Fightmaster Yoga




Yoga Body Workout: Free Yoga Class (Vinyasa Yoga 45 min Class) With Fightmaster Yoga




1 Hour Total Body One Hour Vinyasa Flow: With Fightmaster Yoga




Lululemon Ambassador Free yoga class (Intermediate Vinyasa Flow) With Fightmaster Yoga




32 Minute Yoga Vinyasa Flow with Core Workout Day 82 Yoga Fix 90 with Fightmaster Yoga




40 Minute Slow Vinyasa Flow Morning Yoga with Fightmaster Yoga




32 Minute Hip Vinyasa Flow Day 85 Yoga Fix 90 with Fightmaster Yoga




30 Minute Yoga Morning Vinyasa Flow including Pranayama With Fightmaster Yoga




30 Minute Vinyasa Flow with Shireen and Lesley Day 45 Yoga Fix 90 with Fightmaster Yoga





瑜珈世界的百科全書 Beauty Yoga TV  Android APP (免費下載)



1. 37 Minute Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class to King Pigeon (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) with Fightmaster Yoga  

2. Scary Vinyasa Flow Yoga for Halloween with Fightmaster Yoga

3. 32 Minute Hip Vinyasa Flow Day 85 Yoga Fix 90 with Fightmaster Yoga

4. Yoga for Beginners Vinyasa Flow Free Yoga Class With Fightmaster Yoga

5. 50 Minute Vinyasa Flow, Pranayama and Meditation Day 90 Yoga Fix 90 with Fightmaster Yoga

6. 20 Minute Morning Yoga With Fightmaster Yoga

7. Yoga Body Workout: Free Yoga Class (Vinyasa Yoga 45 min Class) With Fightmaster Yoga

8. How to do a headstand Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class: Free Yoga With Fightmaster Yoga

9. Lululemon Ambassador Free yoga class (Intermediate Vinyasa Flow) With Fightmaster Yoga

10. Free Yoga Class Vinyasa Yoga to Twist, Detox and Purify With Fightmaster Yoga

11. 36 Minute Vinyasa Flow with Headstands Day 88 Yoga Fix 90 with Fightmaster Yoga

12. 40 Minute Yoga Vinyasa Flow Upside Down Day 43 Yoga Fix 90 with Fightmaster Yoga

13. 1 Hour Total Body One Hour Vinyasa Flow: With Fightmaster Yoga

14. 32 Minute Vinyasa Flow to a Hollowback Day 74 Yoga Fix 90 with Fightmaster Yoga

15. 30 Minute Yoga Morning Vinyasa Flow including Pranayama With Fightmaster Yoga

16. Vinyasa Flow: Yoga With Tim & Fightmaster Yoga

17. Yoga Fix 90 Day 1 Vinyasa Flow With Fightmaster Yoga

18. 45 Minute Yoga Total body workout 3 (vinyasa flow 45 min class) - With Fightmaster Yoga

19. 18 Minute Morning Vinyasa Flow Yoga with Fightmaster Yoga

20. 30 Min Yoga Vinyasa Flow, Twist and Detox with Fightmaster Yoga

43. 15 Minute Yoga Challenge for Abs and Core Strength with Fightmaster Yoga

44. 27 Minute Vinyasa Yoga for Strength and Flexibility with Fightmaster Yoga

45. 32 Minute Yoga Vinyasa Flow with Core Workout Day 82 Yoga Fix 90 with Fightmaster Yoga

46. Vinyasa Flow Chest and Shoulder Opening With Fightmaster Yoga

47. Yoga Stretching for Leg Flexibility (no more low back pain!) With Fightmaster Yoga



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